This season, try not to make your photos too staged. We all get in the habit of posing for the standard Christmas day lunch photo. Why not try and make them a little more candid? Keep your camera handy and take shots of people when they’re not expecting it, you may get a great, ‘in the moment’ shot
Filters can be used to enhance your image and add more spark. The lucky thing with social media apps like Instagram is that they have a range of filters and ways to enhance the image with a bit of editing. Spend some time adjusting the lighting and the color to give your photos a boost.
If you’re scrolling through Facebook or Instagram, it’s often irritating when someone’s loaded about 10 images of the same scene. The purpose of these social platforms is to showcase moments in one image. Pick an image you think marks the best point of your holiday and upload that.
Want to snap your little nieces posing with their gifts? Or maybe get a shot of your baby nephew crawling about in his cute baby Santa dress. Kneeling down to their eye level helps to provide warmth to your shot. Pictures taken by shooting down at the subject are often distant and unflattering. So try looking at the subject at eye level to increase the connection in the image.
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